Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Farewell to the Track

In preparation for the marathon this weekend I have run down at the Moorabbin Athletics Track 22 times this year. More than 130km. Over 320 laps. Any way you look at it ... a lot! Mostly in the dark. Very often windy. Sometimes with unexpected canine company. Rarely with any other runners.

Tonight was my last session there (for a while at least) and it felt kinda strange. Like saying goodbye to a friend for a while. As it was, this 'friend' served up a bit of everything. Plenty of wind, the odd spot of drizzle, and a few fast laps. A reasonably good summation of our relationship this year!

The main set today was:
6 x 400m (1.28/1.31/1.27/1.28/1.26/1.24) (400m RI)

Did this whilst still battling my throat lurgies.

Happy with these times.

One more run then race.


Running and living said...

Yes, there is some sadness at the end of a training cycle. I typically don't got back to the track for at least 1 month. Good luck with the marathon. You are going to to great!

Melanie Tait said...

Grrrr to throat lurgies... but glory awaits you at the G!

Good luck! Look out for a bloke with a red beard called Leon, he's my buddy and inspiration. Big ask I'm sure, for there will be many of you awaiting glory at the G!

Have a great race!

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